EIC Accelerator: an opportunity for environmental SMEs

1. Objetive

This specific call from the European Innovation Council Accelerator contributes to implement the Green Deal objectives. Its objective is to encourage impact investment by supporting development and implementing innovation on the market that can lead our social and economic systems in a more sustainable way.

2. Deadline and Budget

It is a non-payable fund of between 0.5 and 2.5 million euros. The total budget is 303,000,000€. Registration will be opened until 19th May (5pm).

3. Details

Projects must support the implementation of the Green Deal and contribute significantly (and proposals should also quantitatively estimate this contribution) to at least one of the following sustainable objectives:

1. Clean energy
2. Sustainable industry 3. Build and renovate
4. Sustainable mobility 5. Biodiversity
6. Sustainable nutrition
7. Eliminate pollution
This call aimed to SMEs, Start-ups and Spin-off in member states of the EU or associated members. This instrument,


that is different to the SMEs instrument that only allowed funding option, also enable:

Request funding (up to 70% and between 500,000€ and 2.5
million €), or Request a mixed finance structure made up of: a combination of grants (up to 70% and between 500,000€ and 2.5 million €) and capital financing (up to 15 million €) that can go up to 17.5 million € in total.

For more information, please contact with Finnova Foundation.

Adrián Noheda, EU Project Manager adrian.noheda@finnova.eu


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